Monday, August 16, 2010


Chapter II
Emotions in sports
Definition: Emotion is defined as a reaction to a stimulus event (either actual or imagined)
e.g. child tries to run away when sees the bull coming towards him.
Feeling nervous by imagining about competition
It is a disturbed muscular activity.
Role of emotions in sports
Emotions are driving forces of life.
The emotions are important in social interaction and in forming social connections.
Learning how to manage our emotions is an important skill that we continually develop throughout our lives.
Problems arise when emotions persist for longer than normal periods.
Various functions like thinking, reasoning, perception, learning, and memory are all determined by emotions.
The failure and achievement are all directed by emotions.
When a sports person is overpowered by strong emotions of fear, he fails to discriminate the right and the wrong.
Types of emotions
Positive emotions Negative emotions
Joy sorrow
Happiness fear
Love jealousy
Determination frustration
Enthusiasm anger
Interest boredom
And fear

1. stress and anxiety
It is defined as the non specific response of the body to any demand made upon it (Hans selye 1975)
Stress occurs when you are not able to meet environmental demands.
e.g.: over training
Types of stress
1. Eu stress (positive stress)
2. Distress (negative stress )

Consequences of stress:
Chronic stress leads to general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
These are the profound physiological changes in the endocrine and other organ systems resulting from stress.
1. Alarm stage :
This phase consists of bodily changes that occur with emotional responses – eg:increasing heart beat, increased pulse rate, poor functioning of bodily organs .
2. Resistance stage:
During this stage a human recovers from the emotional alarm reaction and attempts to cope with situation.
3. Exhaustion stage:
However stresses of diseases, exposure, or injury can often result in exhaustion and organism will die unless treated.

It is a negative emotional state with feelings of nervousness, worry, and apprehension.
Types of anxiety

State anxiety:

It is characterized by apprehension, fear and tension accompanied by physiological arousal. It is a situational anxiety.

a) cognitive state anxiety: it is the thought component of anxiety
b) somatic state anxiety : It is bodily related anxiety

Trait anxiety: it is the part of the personality. Perceiving a wide variety of situations as being threatening or dangerous and to respond to those situations with state anxiety.

Relationship between Trait Anxiety and State Anxiety

Research shows that those who score high on trait anxiety measures also experience more state anxiety

Individual fact

What triggers anxiety?

Athlete anxiety triggers from the fear of failure, fear of success, fear of injuries, rejection by the coach, fans, family and significant others .

How does increased anxiety affect the athlete ?

Chronic feelings of fear and anxiety result in psychosomatic illness
Migraine headache,
Gastrointestinal problems
Body pains.
Increased heart rate
Increased blood pleasure
Increased sweating,
Increased respiration,
Increased muscle tension.

Psychological changes associated with increased stress and anxiety
Inability to take decisions,
Feeling confused,
Inability to concentrate,
Not feeling control.

Behavioral changes associated with increased anxiety and stress
Rapid talking,
Nail biting,
Foot tapping,
Muscle twitching,
Pacing scowling,
Increased blinking,
Broken voices,

Measuring anxiety

There are many psychological and physiological ways to measure anxiety.

Physiological measures

1. Galvanic skin response: it measures the electrical activity in the arterioles and veinules

2. (Electro cardiogram) ECG: It measures the electrical activity of the heart beat

3.(Electro encephalogram) EEg: it measures the record of electrical current developed by the cerebral cortex.

4.electro myogram (emg) it measures the electrical activity of the muscle

5. Sphygmomanometer (BP): it measures arterial blood pressure

Psychological measures:
people rate their anxiety with series of statements.
E.g., anxiety questionnaires

stress management

Three ways to manage stress and anxiety

I. Environmental engineering

1. Reducing uncertainty

E.g. let the players know well in advance of the game situations

2: Decrease importance

Eg: Ask parents to discontinue the practice if player faces more anxiety in practice in presence of the parents.
II. Cognitive stress management techniques :

Imagery relaxation

self directed relaxation

progressive realxation

Awareness of negative thinking
Rational thinking
Smart talk
Stress inoculation training
Autogenic training

III.Somatic stress mangament

Self directed relaxation technique
Progressive relaxation technique
Biofeedback relaxation
Breath control

1 comment:

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